(9th January 2024)
BPW St. Kitts recommences its Women’s Wellness Clinics in January 2024
The Business and Professional Women (BPW), St. Kitts is collaborating with the Ministry of
Health, and St. Kitts and Nevis Medical and Dental Association to administer a ‘Women’s
Wellness Clinic’ during the month of January, world cervical cancer awareness month. This is the
third year the club has organised the Women’s Wellness Clinic, after a hiatus due to the COVID19 pandemic. The Clinic will be held on Saturdays from 7:00 am to 11:30 am during the month
of January 2024 as follows:
• 13th January – Newtown Health Centre
• 20th January – Basseterre Health Centre
• 27th January – Sandy Point Medical Centre
The objective of the Wellness Campaign is to bring awareness to the services offered to the public
and Women in particular by the health clinics across the Federation and to encourage women to
undertake the necessary screening and testing as well as consultations with the nurses as
preventative measures and to address any health needs early. In addition to Cervical Cancer
Screening (pap smear test), the nurses will also conduct breast cancer examinations, blood
pressure testing; height, weight, and body mass index; diabetes screening as well asrapid testing
for HIV. The adult public is invited to attend the clinics and take advantage of the free tests and
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